Images & Sound from the Complex Perspective

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"I'm steepy"

I can do this! I can rock a party on the 1's and 2's......I can make a beautiful image........but I still get a bit nervous when I get that call though, "Erik, I need photo's of.....What will I do with this assignment?...This time the assignment was my two-year old nephew, LJ. A two-year old should be simple enough, right?.... We'll spend 30 minutes in the house, 30 minutes outside and go from there.

I get there and get it started. Click one, click two, and then LJ looks at me and says, "I'm steepy"!


I went Bernie Mac on him..(read it like Bernie Mac would say it)"What you mean you steepy boy?"...."I called your Gigi, Gigi said your nap time is 2 O'clock!..."its only 12:30!"....LJ's reply "I"m steepy"....

So there you have it. A two year old tells me "You got 5 minutes and then you gotta go!" There would be no 2-hour session, with multiple locations. This lil dude was ready for his nap! Check out some of my favorites....Be sure to like the EShannonPhotography page!

Poor dude, he's starting to look just like his daddy!

I told you!

Last one!

Tasha! I got more...I'll drop them off this weekend!


Tosha said...

I love the pics! I have to admit I second-guessed the outcome after I heard LJ was so tired and you couldn't get any outside shots. But shame on me for underestimating your skills! Thanks again Erik! Love ya!
LJ's mommy

Lacretia G. said...

Beautiful pictures. He looks like he was going to take his nap right on that ball!

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Indianapolis, IN DJ and Photographer. DJ Complex