Images & Sound from the Complex Perspective

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Always & Forever, Sylvester & Philana

We waited until the week of the wedding, but we finally got the engagement photos done. We started off at Butler University and moved over to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We were right in front of the LOVE sculpture, when we got swarmed by the SWAT! "Drop the camera!, taking pictures here is against IMA law".... Okay, It was only two security guards, but we still got put off the property. I got the shot though! Check'em out!

I loved this one..You like it?

Enjoy the slide show...Its viewed best at 360p on the web. If you want to see it in HD, let the video cue up for a few minutes.

1 comment:

Philana said...

Eric, these shots are amazing. We love them. You are by far the BEST photographer in town. I know the wedding pictures are even better :) Thank you again and it was fun working with you.

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Indianapolis, IN DJ and Photographer. DJ Complex