Images & Sound from the Complex Perspective

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 54 of Photo 365

Isn't it crazy when kids show you how much potential they have? I mean, look at this girl. Remember her?

Yeah she's always amped up, but she listens! And watch what happens, when she slows down! "Let me show you how to pose"

Okay, not bad....Let me get your light right. Nope, not the funny face, give me diva.....

Wow, that's pretty good..Let me mess with this light some more. And then she gave me this!

WHOA! Do you see what I'm talking about? Come back for part II on day 55. Until tomorrow people!

1 comment:

Peter said...

2nd to last one there is my favorite.

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Indianapolis, IN DJ and Photographer. DJ Complex